Meet our API
Become a time hacker! Connect your app to Time Tracker.
You can now create apps that connect your software, applications, and more with Time Tracker using our handy API guide. Designed for programmers, our detailed guide gives you the tools you need to create new time-saving integrations for your organization.
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How the API can be used.
Read and write Time Tracker data to your new app using
our RESTful API guide.
Possible API uses:
- Connect your project management software to Time Tracker.
- Retrieve time data for your internal reporting system or billing and payroll software.
- Display your employee’s time entries on an intranet page.
- Create your own custom timer.
- Connect Time Tracker to popular web services such as Google Sheets, Office 365, Alexa Skill, and Zapier.
Where to find your API key.
Grab your API key from the Admin > Settings page in your Time Tracker admin account. Ready to start coding?