remote workforce – eBillity Time Tracking for Payroll and Time & Expenses for Invoicing Thu, 08 Jun 2023 23:00:29 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2023/10/cropped-ebillity-favicon-32x32.png remote workforce – eBillity 32 32 Remote Workforce: Consider a Mobile Timekeeper App Thu, 08 Jun 2023 23:00:29 +0000 The National Basketball Association (NBA) suspended the remainder of its season, Disney World shut down, and photos emerged of extremely long lines at grocery stores around the country. All these things happened within the first few weeks of March 2020 as COVID-19 took hold in a significant way in the United States. It was also a moment when millions of office workers and others found ... Read more "Remote Workforce: Consider a Mobile Timekeeper App "

The post Remote Workforce: Consider a Mobile Timekeeper App  appeared first on eBillity.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) suspended the remainder of its season, Disney World shut down, and photos emerged of extremely long lines at grocery stores around the country. All these things happened within the first few weeks of March 2020 as COVID-19 took hold in a significant way in the United States. It was also a moment when millions of office workers and others found themselves working from home. That massive cultural shift in the way that work was done has remained with us to this day.

A report by ADP Research indicates that 64% of workers say that they would rather quit their job rather than return to the office. This cultural shift has put many business owners and office managers in a unique spot to consider how they will adapt to this new labor reality. One of the things that is top of mind for many of those individuals is how they can keep workers accountable when they are working from home.

Accountability is Paramount

It seems obvious to those who have been dealing with this for a while, but accountability among remote workers is one of the most important things to getting work done. After all, how can a business owner or manager know for sure that the employees under their watch are getting things done when they are working from home?

This is not an idle fear. Stories have emerged of remote workers secretly taking on two or more full-time remote jobs at the same time. reported on this by saying:

Remote work has made lots of new things possible for those allowed to do it: We can do laundry while we work, excise commuting from our lives, and not worry about infecting colleagues when we have a cold. But it’s made something else possible too: a surge in people who are secretly working two or more full-time jobs without their employers’ knowledge.

Therefore, everyone must remain keenly aware of the possibility that their employees are not giving their full attention to their work. There is a delicate balance to strike. On the one hand, you don’t want to breath down the neck of your employees and make them feel like they are being micro-managed. On the other hand, you need to ensure that you are getting productive output from your workers.

How to Hold Employees Accountable

There are multiple ways that you can work on holding employees accountable for their time and for the work that they are doing while on the clock. Consider some of the following options to make it happen:

Hold Weekly Catch-Up Meetings

Many people roll their eyes when they hear that they have yet another meeting to attend. However, holding a once-per-week meeting to catch up with the entire team is still an effective way to do things. A once per week meeting is the ideal balance to strike. It helps you gather the information you require from employees while not overloading employees with yet another meeting.

Manage Burnout

It is important to manage symptoms of burnout among employees. Dee Hutchinson of Dee is for Digital spoke with Forbes about this and stated that burnout is an extremely important thing to keep an eye on at this time. The office never closes when people work from home, and it is extremely important to make sure employees set boundaries between their work life and the rest of their life. If they remain on the clock all the time, then they are potentially going to feel increased burnout.

Focus on Workflow

Measuring the quality and quantity of work performed remotely is always challenging. However, many say that workflow is more important than raw productivity. When different individuals and different departments communicate and coordinate with one another, then they are finding the flow that is highly desired by every workplace. Put an emphasis on finding that flow rather than only looking at the bottom-line output numbers. Problem solving is more important than simply churning out yet another ounce of productivity.

Remote Timekeeping Apps: A Powerful Way to Enhance Accountability

We have discussed some of the human capital management tactics that one can take to work on accountability within the workplace. However, it is also important to look at the key performance indicators (KPIs) that must be measured as well. This is why remote timekeeping apps are an ideal way to measure productivity and accountability as well.

Remote timekeeping apps can be used to measure how much time is being spent on a given task. These apps are also a gentle nudge to employees to let them know that they ought to be focused on the work assigned to them. Simply knowing that their productivity is being measured in some form or fashion is enough to push employees in the right direction.

Time Tracker is the remote timekeeping app that one should use to manage their remote workforce. Not only does the app monitor the amount of time employees spend on various tasks, but it also helps leaders determine where employees are at a given time. The nearest employee can be dispatched to handle a specific project as necessary when this kind of work comes up. The cost of travel is expensive and there are some logistical hurdles with getting an employee to a given location when needed. Time Tracker takes the stress out of this by helping users understand where their employees are geographically located at any point in time.

Measuring productivity, maintaining accurate time records, and locating employees to dispatch them where they need to go is all contained within one powerful time tracking app. Time Tracker will make your life easier and more productive. Remote work isn’t going away anytime soon, and some companies have discovered how to make the most of it. If you are looking for ways to keep your workforce accountable and get better results than you ever would have imagined, try Time Tracker for free today.

The post Remote Workforce: Consider a Mobile Timekeeper App  appeared first on eBillity.
